Monday, October 24, 2011

The same old thing

So the other day it was a particularly crisp fall morning. What was unusual that morning was that I didn't have somewhere to be immediately. I didn't have tasks to accomplish right then nor did I have small children fighting for my attention or each other's toys. What struck me in that moment was a great grace to me in my estimation. I was drinking a cup of coffee just like I do several times a day every day. What was unusual about this cup was not where it came from, its strength or freshness. What was different was my enjoyment. As I was drinking slow sip after slow sip, I kept thinking, "man this tastes good." I wasn't thinking about getting up and getting going. I wasn't thinking about how late I stayed up or how early and dark these fall mornings come. I was just enjoying the taste and warmth of the coffee. It was in that moment that I realized the danger of routine. I don't mean just driving the same way to work every day but that might need a little changing every now and then as well. I mean how life just keeps rolling on and I start to take things for granted. Or I do things or handle things so often and become so familiar with them that beauty and wonder are excused from the conversation. God really impressed upon me the freshness of the Gospel. That while I teach and challenge myself and others so much of the time with how important it is and how much Jesus loves me and you, it was easy to miss enjoying those truths. It was easy to miss enjoying Jesus. And in truth I remembered that this is what I was made for. Not just superficially skating through life attempting to avoid as many pitfalls as possible. No I was made to enjoy God and all that He gives me. I was made to marvel at the simple beauty of the Gospel and the greatness of Christ. Life can make coffee, relationships with spouses or friends and even our relationship with God just another thing we do. As God grants you the opportunity, take time to enjoy Him today. Remember that all your sin has been paid for and you have full access to the presence of God. I know that life and busyness will encroach again but I am encouraged that God will be faithful to renew my understanding and enjoyment of Him again.
Grace and peace

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Coffee Diversity

As we enter coffee shops it is often times overwhelming the array of products, brewed coffee and espresso choices. In the midst of such diverse offerings, there is a commonality that is present. The dress of baristas, the general styling and the overarching purpose are shared as integral to their commitment to and valuing of the mission of the establishment. What is joyful tabout going to get some coffee and hear world music or pop or whatever while sharing some of the same basics that other patrons are enjoying as well. When I go to a shop I don't always love the music, or the decor but it's essential purpose is why I am there anyway-namely for good coffee. In this evaluation I find great analogy to the church of Jesus Christ. It is meant to have all sorts of room for different music styles, decorations and people. What is meant to be unifying are the key structures and the purposes for which the church exists: namely glorifying God in Christ and leading people to find the joy of God in His supremacy. The Gospel itself is what binds church members together and gives them shared purpose and common ground for deep joy. It is not sports team affinity or time of meeting or style of dress that gives unity. For if it is looked to for that it deeply disappoints by its shallow appointment. Diversity is great in a coffee shop both with what you are consuming  and who is consuming it. In a church that same diversity is beautiful when worship of God is enjoyed while observing baptism, the Lord's Supper, the preached Word and singing. It is also beautiful when those worshipping are from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities and ages. The styles and occurrences aren't nearly as important as the singular heart posture that is brought to Worship. In this diversity we find a deep commonality as the blood bought children of God through Jesus Christ.

Monday, April 4, 2011

New books and music

After attending the Sovereign Grace conference: Plant! about 10 days ago I was given (and purchased) several new amazing books. I have also purchased four new albums that I really enjoy. I think of how I love to read and and listen to music in a coffee shop.  A lot of times the music is random but interesting. The newness of it is definitely inviting. Sometimes what is truly awesome about those experiences is that it changes so much that even if it's awful you know it won't last long. Trying new things, within reason and orthodoxy, is helpful to the soul. Jen and I were discussing the other day how pickyness can be very unhelpful besides deeply annoying. Whether it's food, music, books or friendship there is always something fun to the new. But I am often thinking of how I need to be careful and not to start valuing the new over what I already love. I need both not one or the other. I need ancient truth and fresh ways to walk in and share it. I need an ancient God who is an ever present help. As I work through these new books and enjoy the new music I hope that you will take a chance on something new along these lines. There is so much amazing music that says so much about who God is and what He has done in and through Jesus without sacrificing musical quality. There are really old books that would be new finds for most of us that teach us great truth.
The music: Aftermath-Hillsong United
                 Here for You-Passion
                 Awaken the Dawn-the Getty's
                 Risen-Sovereign Grace

The books (some of them): The Church Planter-Patrick
                                          Generous Justice-Keller
                                          Delighting in the Trinity-Chester
                                         Church Planting is for Wimps-McKinley

Let me know what you think of them if you check any of them out.
Grace and peace