Tuesday, July 9, 2013


After spending a week in Ecuador with some fabulous people, I thought I should reflect a bit on the joys of going and coming home. One thing I especially love about being home is having strong, dark coffee ready when I wake up. In Ecuador just getting clean water for coffee is a challenge. Each morning I would get up to read and pray and usually drink iced coffee made with bottled water. The hot coffee wasn't made till close to breakfast time-@ 8 o'clock. This is part of going on mission but the return also makes me very thankful. I really seem to value the simple goodness of many things after not having them for a week. Being at home, talking to people face to face in a language I understand are huge blessings to me now. Seeing my wife and kids and holding them close is very sweet and precious. All people need refuge and friendship and some purpose to wake up to. Mission always refines what our list of true needs actually are. So I stand in awe of the grace given me this day to know Christ and be known by him. On top of that is all grace, even the uncomfortable stuff. And because of this grace I will seek to make him known in my home, at work and in the world. Pretty challenging, but just like finding good coffee, worth it if I keep it simple.
Grace and peace

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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