Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Savoring every sip

There are some mornings that are just amazing. I get to slowly wake up and drink coffee sip by delicious sip. To just savor the moment and the mysteries of life and God. But then, there are those other mornings. The ones where you wake up feeling as though you were beaten with rods and possibly slipped a rufie. All you can do is slug back mug after mug in the hopes of being moderately awake by lunchtime. Or maybe it's like Monday of this week: sick and weak from being sick, fearful and cautious about all consumption, especially coffee. This led to sluggishness and a headache. These are not times of enjoyment. But they are real and most everyone has dealt with those days. If we stop always fixating on the busy day ahead or the mistakes of yesterday, we might start to see renewed joy, peace and hope. Even when days are hard.
Now I love when coffee is really hot. This makes me have to slow down. If I don't I get burned and I don't really take the time to enjoy what's before me. I truly believe that if we all would remind ourselves each day to slow down a bit and enjoy whatever is before us, we would be better spouses, parents, friends and workers. This is especially true if God is before us. If we take time to soak in the life, breath and diverse new mercy that God has bestowed on us, our perspective and our activity can be markedly improved. By opening up a Bible (I'm currently reading through Leviticus-seeing how great a sacrifice was needed and how a Holy God demands holiness in His people) we get great reminders and challenges for our hearts and what we treasure. What we slow down and gaze at each day starts to change us. If it's the tv or the internet predominantly, what we are viewing will impact our hearts and what we value in some negative ways. We are also drawn into the ultra busy, no rest for the weary mindset that keeps us pushing through nap time or bed time to be more...fill in the blank. But if we can fix our hearts and minds on things above, what we will treasure is Christ. Oftentimes when life is really busy or difficult is when we most need to slow down and enjoy our kids, our spouse,friends and family.
I am seeking to be a man who understands how to enjoy the moment better than I have been. I don't want to find what's wrong with situations or people all the time. I wanted to remember the sovereign goodness of God towards His children. I need to remember that God is at work in, through and for me to accomplish His Glory and deepen my joy in Him.
So the next time you have the chance, drink your coffee a little more slowly and enjoy what is going on around you.You might be surprised at all the joy that awaits.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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