Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday morning coffee

As my wife sleeps and half of my kids-the early risers-watch cartoons, the coffee tastes a little different this morning. Quite possibly the changing weather has affected my sinuses and taste buds in such a way that different flavor notes are more prominent. And as I was thinking of the different cups of coffee you get from different places, I was struck by a couple of truths. 1.) what you put into it and how consistent you are with that input greatly influences the flavor. Whether it is going to my in-laws and using their coffee supplies or their coffee proportions or a different local coffee shop that clearly filters it's water differently, those changes make a world of difference. 2.) the environment where you receive coffee doesn't change the actual flavor of the coffee but probably your perception and memory of it. Maybe it's the music or lighting at a coffee shop or the sound of my kids playing and laughing or maybe just the cold, dark house that speaks to my need and desire in those early morning hours. As I drink my 3rd cup I know that this can be very proverbial in life. 1.) Maintaining a consistently joyful relationship with God and others means you need to faithfully put in the best of what you have in each. We can often complain about how deficiencies in both vertical and horizontal relationships while not actively seeking to make them better. We need consistent application and fresh practices. The good news of the Gospel in these relationships is that God Himself is actively involved in pouring in and pouring us out. So many times our mood or energy is less than desirable and yet God is still working and calling and His Word is still powerful and always accomplishes what He intends. 2.) We can all consider how the relationships and events in our lives affect its "flavor". Just as the sounds of Mickey Mouse or Phineas and Ferb and my kids enjoyment of them stirs a simple joy and thankfulness so can many other environments stir or assault our affections. It may be the work environment that is less than desirable. If work is merely a means to an end and we are working to please ourselves and others and not God, we will miss the enjoyment of God's provision. But as with many things, it may mean that something needs to change . It could be the environment but it could also be you. What are the elements of life that help you enjoy the grace of the day, whatever it looks like? What are your Saturday morning spaces that allow you to think, pray and evaluate things that really matter? If you don't have that type of time or environment, seriously consider making it happen. I am consumed with fighting for joy, but not just for joy as end. While it takes effort to grow and enter the rest God has provided Jesus, joy flows when I consider the perfectly obedient life of Jesus that I get credit for instead of my messed up, sinful choices. Joy is sustained by the truth of the cross and Jesus dying in my place. I can't make myself right and I don't have too-the cross has paid for all my sin. And as I face the scary things in life I know that Jesus is alive and my life is safe with him as he intercedes for me daily.

So as you travel or visit people and places and seek to enjoy coffee in those different places, remember the varied magnificent grace that is yours in Jesus Christ. Seek to enjoy each situation with the knowledge that he is with you and loves you no matter what if you have entered into a relationship with him through repentance and faith.
Grace and peace

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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